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Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery tell you how to install the stamping die.
Release date:2018/12/28 13:03:19

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Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery tell you how to install the stamping die.

Stamping die is a special process equipment for material processing into parts. The performance of the tool has an important relationship with the quality of the part. Therefore, when installing the stamping die, it must be installed according to the specific regulations, otherwise it will not only affect The normal use of the mold will also affect the formation of the part. gyN mold alliance network

Stamping die installation matters:

1. The type and marking of the mold must be strictly determined to ensure accuracy.

2. Proficiency in the skills of the installation steps, familiar with the stamping process procedures and the requirements of each process.

3. Check that the mold size parameters that need to be installed are able to meet the equipment specification parameters specified by the process.

4. Before the mold is installed, all surfaces must be wiped clean, such as the machine table, the slider and the upper and lower surfaces of the mold.

4. Regularly check the mold installation tools used to avoid installation accidents.

5. The mold platen horn must be higher than the part pressed by the mold and gradually locked by diagonal.

6. When adjusting the mold, place the transfer switch in the inching position.

7. The selection of the machine tool must comply with the process rules, and check the normality of the work at various points. For special parts inspections, such as the parallelism of the machine, the mechanics need to be notified.

8. After the mold is installed, twist the travel switch; adjust the position and gradually adjust the stroke depth.

9. When the die is produced, the first piece of the test stamping is qualified, and the operator should be aware of the matters that should be paid attention to during normal production.

10. The height of the mold and the height of the machine tool need to be placed under the mold under the mold. It is necessary to place it on the upper template and place it under the guidance of the mold repairman.

11. After the die is adjusted, the switch can be started.

12. After normal work, you should always check the operation of the machine and the mold at any time, and find the problem and repair it immediately.

Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery tell you how to install the stamping die.

The above content is Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery tell you how to install the stamping die. I hope it will help you!

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