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Injection mold material development is widely used in automotive parts
Release date:2018/12/28 13:47:22

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Injection mold material development is widely used in automotive parts

According to related reports, aluminum has always been the choice of injection mold materials. David Okonski, manager of R&D engineering at General Motors, said at a meeting of the Society of Plastics Engineers that his company will use aluminum to make injection molds. Aluminum will increasingly be used in automotive parts, which is the focus of the entire automotive industry to improve production through the mold technology. It is reported that Ford Motor Company has also announced the use of aluminum for mold production. Other automakers are also developing automotive aluminum parts.

According to Okonski, 135 of the 450 plastic parts of a car can be made from aluminum alloy molds. But automakers are still very cautious. Because for the moment, aluminum alloy molds can not meet the traditional automotive mold standards. This is why many moldmakers plan to develop long-term research and development plans.

Injection mold material development is widely used in automotive parts

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