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Application Status and Development Trend of Modified PP in Household Appliances
Release date:2018/12/29 14:01:24

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Application Status and Development Trend of Modified PP in Household Appliances

Polypropylene has the characteristics of low density, good chemical resistance, low price and excellent comprehensive performance. It is one of the first choices of plastics in the household appliance industry, and its dosage is about 30%. With the emergence of personalized and intelligent new home appliances, the application of PP in home appliances has also been put forward with higher requirements. The PP modification technology will be developed around the following aspects.

First, green: free of spray PP materials, etc.

Compared with traditional spray materials, the spray-free materials are relatively simple, environmentally friendly, economical, and have high gloss, easy to form, scratch-resistant, and recyclable. The application of spray-free materials in the field of home appliances is increasing. Especially for spray-free PP materials.

Second, safety: meet the requirements of unattended electrical appliances, flame retardant modified PP materials, etc.

Meet the requirements of the revised PP material for long-term unattended electrical appliances proposed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The IEC60335 standard requires that the 750 °C glow wire does not ignite within 30 seconds of contact with the material or article being tested, or that the burning time is 5 seconds (ie GWIT 750 ° C) and the tracking index (CTI) 250 V.

Third, health: anti-staining PP, etc.

In order to reduce costs, most of the liner materials of household appliances such as dishwashers and juicers are made of modified PP materials. After repeated use, the liner is easy to be dirty. The reason is that the liner material is directly contaminated with juice, food residue, food seasoning, etc., causing changes in the surface color of the material. When the color changes to a certain extent, it will become dirty, and even contaminate the next batch of food as a source of pollution, reducing the product. Use quality. Anti-staining PP can avoid this problem.

Fourth, lightweight: long glass fiber reinforced PP and micro foam injection molding PP materials, etc.

High continuous length glass fiber reinforced PP material: good dimensional stability, excellent overall mechanical properties, small creep and excellent fatigue resistance.

Micro-foamed injection PP material: refers to the polypropylene material as the matrix, through the injection molding process under the action of gas internal pressure, the intermediate layer of the product is densely sealed from ten to several tens of micrometers with dense skin on both sides. Structure; thus achieving the purpose of saving materials and reducing weight. Since the micro-foamed material uses a lower stress, the injection molding is smoother, more straight, and the size is more stable. At the same time, due to the support of the micro-holes, the shrinkage of the parts can be effectively solved.

5. Functionalization: PP materials that can be laser engraved, etc.

Marks, barcodes, etc. on plastic products are usually generated by external processing such as printing, labeling, stamping, punching, etc. Printing marks on the surface of plastic products by laser marking machine is a high processing speed. A new marking technology that maintains the inherent surface characteristics of plastic products and makes text and icons never fade. The laser marking machine for plastic products directly generates marks on the plastic surface by using a laser beam, and the pattern design is flexible, and no other processing steps are required.

Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery is specializing in the research and development of injection molding. If you still have this aspect requirements, please visit the official website of Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

Application Status and Development Trend of Modified PP in Household Appliances

The above content is Application Status and Development Trend of Modified PP in Household Appliances. I hope it will help you!

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