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Cooling in plastic extrusion molding
Release date:2018/12/29 15:06:40

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Cooling in plastic extrusion molding

There are many plastic products factories that need to use a chiller to cool the machine. Many friends often dont know what type of chiller to use when they buy industrial chillers, to achieve their required cooling effect, or not Know what kind of machine is more suitable for your own production workshop. So now, Zhangzhou Jinshuo Precision Machinery tells you about the cooling in plastic extrusion molding, and hopes to help some friends.

Generally divided into screw cooling, fuselage cooling, and product cooling.

1, screw cooling

The function of screw cooling is to eliminate friction and overheat, stabilize the extrusion pressure of plastic, promote the uniformity of plastic mixing, and improve the quality of plasticization. However, its use must be appropriate, especially not too much, otherwise the plastic melt in the barrel suddenly cools, which can lead to serious accidents. Screw cooling is absolutely forbidden before extrusion, otherwise it will cause serious equipment accidents.

2, the fuselage cooling

The function of the fuselage cooling is to increase the heat dissipation of the barrel to overcome the temperature rise caused by frictional overheating, because this temperature rise cannot be stopped during the plastic extrusion process, even after the heating power supply is cut off, so that the reasonable temperature cannot be long-term. To maintain, heat must be added to cool the barrel to maintain heat balance during extrusion. The fuselage cooling is carried out in sections, mainly based on fan cooling. Considering the different functions of the fuselage sections, pay special attention to the use of homogenization section cooling.

3, product cooling

Product cooling is an important measure to ensure the geometry and internal structure of the product. After the plastic extrusion coating leaves the machine head, it should be cooled immediately, otherwise it will be deformed under the action of gravity. For non-crystalline materials such as polyvinyl chloride, the problem of crystallization may not be considered. The plastic product may be quenched by direct cooling with water, so that it is cold-permeable in the cooling water tank and is no longer deformed. The cooling of crystalline polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene should take into account the crystallization problem. If the quenching method is adopted, it will adversely affect the microstructure of the plastic product and generate internal stress, which is the result of cracking of the product in the future. One of the reasons must be paid attention to in the extrusion process; the extrusion layer of crystalline plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene should be carried out by the stepwise cooling method of warm water cooling. Generally, depending on the auxiliary equipment of the equipment, the cooling water tank should be divided. In the section section, the water temperature can be started from the temperature of 75 ° C to 85 ° C of the first section of the water tank, and the water temperature is lowered step by step until the room temperature. The smaller the temperature difference between the water temperatures is, the more reasonable it is.

Cooling in plastic extrusion molding

The above content is Cooling in plastic extrusion molding. I hope it will help you!

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