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Maintenance of centralized feeding system of plastic mechanical film blowing machine-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd
Release date:2018/12/29 16:08:03

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Maintenance of centralized feeding system of plastic mechanical film blowing machine-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd

The film blowing machine is one of the common plastic machinery. Plastic machinery requires regular maintenance to make the machine work better. So how to maintain the film blowing machine?

The maintenance of the centralized feeding of the film blowing machine is generally divided into four aspects.

First, daily maintenance

Responsible for the main equipment of the centralized feeding system, observe the handover, record the operation, and register and hand over, such as the parameter setting of the central console, the operation sound of the vacuum station, and the dust treatment of the dust removal device. Whether the conveying state of the raw material is smooth, whether the compressed air is in the normal value range, and whether there is a shortage of material or the like.

Second, monthly maintenance

Regular inspection of centralized feeding system equipment, such as air tightness inspection of pipeline connectors, filter cleaning of dust removal devices, inspection of seals, inspection of cut-off valves and shut-off valves, inspection of electrical parts, etc. .

Third, quarterly maintenance

Maintenance inspections for each quarter, such as the temperature rise of the fan at the vacuum station, the tightness of the delivery line, the condition of the curve, the condition of the compressed air hose, the condition of each cylinder, solenoid valve, transparent hose The situation, etc.

Fourth, annual maintenance

Every year, the equipment of the centralized feeding system is fully maintained. It is best to use the holidays to comprehensively overhaul the equipment and replace the wearing parts. In order to improve the utilization rate of the equipment, the normal operation of the equipment is inseparable from the normal maintenance of the equipment.

Maintenance of centralized feeding system of plastic mechanical film blowing machine-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd

The above content is Maintenance of centralized feeding system of plastic mechanical film blowing machine-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd. I hope it will help you!

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