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Identification of the return material in the turnover box
Release date:2019/1/2 15:03:43

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Identification of the return material in the turnover box

From the weight of the box to distinguish between good and bad, the preferred choice is one of the conditions for the purchase of the turnover box, but the premise is that this method is feasible when the materials are the same, because there are many manufacturers to mix in before the polyethylene is formed in order to simply increase the weight of the product. The talcum powder and other substances, thereby increasing the weight of the product, the consequences are very serious, not only directly lead to the increase in the cost of the customer's purchase, but also the effect of buying back to use is not good, talcum powder will directly lead to the toughness of plastic products, the cabinet It is easy to rupture during use, which directly leads to a serious shortening of the service life of the product. Accelerating the progress of the next purchase is a huge loss to the purchaser.

When it comes into contact with plastic products, it can be visually observed from the appearance of plastic products. It is very important to look at the color of the box and whether the color is evenly distributed. Do not appear stains, etc. Under normal conditions. And the plastic products with better quality are bright and have good color. If the color of the cabinet is dull, then it is certain that the box may not be made of pure raw materials. When purchasing, special attention should be paid to avoid individual plastic turnover box manufacturers. Depreciate the purchaser by shoddy. Plastic crates are becoming more and more popular in today's logistics market, and every step of the logistics is used in plastic crates. How to distinguish the quality of a plastic turnover box is a very difficult thing for buyers. The folding turnover boxes produced by Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. are all made of new materials. The products are bright in color and high in toughness. Welcome customers at home and abroad to inquire. !


Identification of the return material in the turnover box

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