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High-speed injection molding ultra-thin plastic box
Release date:2019/1/3 13:33:48

The content expressed in this article is High-speed injection molding ultra-thin plastic box, please feel free to contact me.

High-speed injection molding ultra-thin plastic box

Ultra-thin plastic boxes are widely used in our lives. Many products are essential in our lives. The thin-walled products are mainly disposable packaging boxes, disposable lunch boxes, disposable ice cream boxes, etc. Most are food grade products. Such products are particularly demanding in production, and molds also require manufacturers who specialize in these products.

Kingsoon is extremely confident and extremely experienced in ultra-thin products. This product can provide a series of services, from molds to injection molding products, with advanced machines, high-tech technology, and the technical points of kingsoon's high-speed injection molding ultra-thin molds:

1. Specially designed ultra-thin injection mold zero-degree four Buick system

2. Injection molding system design and special cooling system

3. High precision machining process

4. Select steel for each part of the mold

5. Exhaust system specially designed for thin-walled molds

6. High-speed injection molding system

7. Mold in-mold design

8. Have a strong sales service platform

If you want to open such molds or manufacturers who have molds need to play products, you can come to our company to understand, kingsoon will definitely be a choice you can not miss.


High-speed injection molding ultra-thin plastic box

The above content is High-speed injection molding ultra-thin plastic box. I hope it will help you!

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