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4s shop Plastic shelving unit include tire frame, glass frame, pendant frame, shock absorber frame
Release date:2018/12/17 15:07:13

This is an article about 4s shop Plastic shelving unit include tire frame, glass frame, pendant frame, shock absorber frame

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4s shop Plastic shelving unit include tire frame, glass frame, pendant frame, shock absorber frame


1. Tire frame and rim frame: The laminate of the medium-sized shelf is taken out, and the tire and the rim are placed directly on the beam.

2, glass frame: based on the medium-sized shelves, in the shelf with a diameter of 25 round tube rubber tube for glass support and split, laying rubber skin on the shelf layer to prevent damage to the glass. The glass frame generally has two layers.

3, pendant shelves: generally uses two layers of hooks and two layers of design. The laminate adopts the standard of medium-sized shelves. The hook adopts a 25 square tube main beam, and a round tube with a diameter of 20 is welded as a hook on the square tube.

4s shop Plastic shelving unit include tire frame, glass frame, pendant frame, shock absorber frame

This is the end of the introduction of 4s shop Plastic shelving unit include tire frame, glass frame, pendant frame, shock absorber fram. I hope it can help you.

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