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Convenience store shelves display common mistakes
Release date:2018/12/17 15:29:50

This is an article about Convenience store shelves display common mistakesIf you are interested, please contact us!

Convenience store shelves display common mistakes

Whether the convenience store operation is successful depends not only on the business strategy formulated by the operator, but also on the excellent convenience store shelf display. Convenience store shelf display seems to be simple, in fact, the knowledge inside can be great, and it is necessary for the convenience store operators to continuously optimize and improve, and comprehensively and carefully consider the display. If you simply use the convenience store shelves to fill the store space, then the convenience store sales rate can not be greatly improved.

The following Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. will tell you about the mistakes often made in the shelf display of convenience stores:

Convenience store shelves are too loose

Some convenience stores do not pay attention to the size of the goods and the height of the shelf laminates when making the display. They put the goods on the shelves casually, and some smaller products are particularly loose on the shelves with higher spacing between the layers. The display is also very bad.

The height of the shelf laminates is adjustable. The height of the laminates should be adjusted according to the size of the package when the display is displayed, and the space can be utilized to the maximum extent. If you can't make good use of the display space, it is a serious waste.

For similar products, they can be displayed according to the price level and brand according to the high and low levels of a shelf. The best-selling brands are placed in the middle right position, and the high-end or low-profit ones are placed at the bottom, and most of them are displayed on a set of shelves. On the first floor, the shelves are empty and there is no feeling of "full".

In order to succeed in the operation of a convenience store, it is necessary to consider various aspects, and it is not enough to rely solely on a marketing strategy. If you make a mistake, you may lose the consequences of losing everything. These are the three mistakes that are often made in convenience store displays, and I hope to help you.

Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. has been committed to shelf research and development and design for more than ten years. It has won unanimous praise at home and abroad and is at the leading level in the industry. Welcome to visit the official website of Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. for consultation and ordering.

Convenience store shelves display common mistakes

This is the end of the introduction of Convenience store shelves display common mistakes. I hope it can help you.

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