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What are the materials most commonly used on shelves?
Release date:2018/12/17 16:06:22

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What are the materials most commonly used on shelves?

Shelf is a general term that contains a lot of content. So how many kinds of shelves are there in the market? From the material, it is roughly divided into the following categories:

1) Steel shelf: This is the largest sales volume on the market. From warehousing to supermarkets, the sales volume of steel shelves is the largest. The reason should be that the raw materials of steel are low in price, excellent in mechanical properties and good in processing performance. (such as weldability);

2) Wooden shelves, mostly used for home storage or display in supermarkets

3) Aluminum shelf: Due to its portability and aesthetics, it is mostly used in supermarkets with limited carrying capacity;

4) Alloy shelf: It is an improved version of the aluminum shelf, which improves the carrying capacity, but the cost is also increased.

5) Paper shelves: usually disposable products, used in supermarkets;

6) Plastic shelves: usually small in size, used to display or store some common gadgets.

The above different materials of the shelves, in addition to the metal shelves, other varieties have greater limitations, the market demand is not high, with the development of human science and technology, perhaps one day, we can find another cheaper, better use The material to replace the metal shelves.

What are the materials most commonly used on shelves?

This is the end of the introduction of What are the materials most commonly used on shelves. I hope it can help you.

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