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Injection molding process parameters
Release date:2018/12/19 14:48:28

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Injection molding process parameters

Injection molding Injection time

 The injection time mentioned here refers to the time required for the plastic melt to fill the cavity, and does not include the auxiliary time such as opening and closing of the mold. Although the injection time is short and the effect on the molding cycle is small, the adjustment of the injection time has a great effect on the pressure control of the gate, runner and cavity. Proper injection time contributes to the ideal filling of the melt and is of great importance for improving the surface quality of the product and reducing dimensional tolerances. The injection time is much lower than the cooling time, which is about 1/10 to 1/15 of the cooling time. This rule can be used as the basis for predicting the overall molding time of the plastic parts. In the case of the mold flow analysis, the injection time in the analysis result is equal to the injection time set in the process conditions only when the melt is completely driven by the screw rotation to fill the cavity. If the holding pressure of the screw occurs before the cavity is filled, the analysis result will be greater than the setting of the process conditions.

Injection molding process parameters

The above content is Injection molding process parameters. I hope it will help you!

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