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How to manage supermarket inventory? It can be solved perfectly from these 5 aspects.
Release date:2018/12/20 14:01:11

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How to manage supermarket inventory? It can be solved perfectly from these 5 aspects.

In the process of operating a supermarket, inventory management is often overlooked by operators, because this seems to be only a problem of back-office management, and does not seem to affect the normal business of the supermarket. actually not. If the inventory can not be properly managed, it is easy to cause inventory backlog or out of stock, which affects both the sale of goods and the waste of warehouse space. It will even affect the mood of customers shopping.

So how do we reasonably control the inventory? Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery reminds you that these 5 points must pay attention to:

1. Do inventory check to avoid missed orders

The inventory of some goods on the computer may still be very high, but in reality there has been a shortage of goods. Therefore, the manager should make a record of the products that are not full on the supermarket HIPS storage shelving units every day, and communicate with the orderer in time, and then go to the warehouse to do the inventory check to avoid the situation of missed orders.

2, in case of high inventory goods, pay attention to whether it is slow sales

When the relevant information shows that the inventory of a certain product is too much, please pay attention to see if it is a slow-moving commodity. If it is, it must be dealt with in time, or discounted, or returned to the supplier to avoid waste on the warehouse space. The storage of other commodities has resulted in insufficient stock of other commodities.

3, control the season goods, do not long-term backlog

Some seasonal goods are prone to the off-season, even if they are very popular in the season, but once the season is basically no one cares. Therefore, in the case of such seasonal products, it is necessary to control, and also to grasp the corresponding amount before the purchase, to prevent the long-term backlog after a large number of purchases.

4, management of damaged goods, timely return processing

There are so many supermarket goods, and some damaged and degraded goods are inevitable in the warehouse, so don't ignore the management of damaged goods. It is recommended that the warehouse be cleaned up on a daily basis, and the defective products will be placed in a specific area, and the relevant return orders will be filled out, and the timely return of the goods will be processed.

5, clean up every day, convenient management work

As the manager of the warehouse, it is necessary to do a daily cleaning of the goods stored in the warehouse, to sort out some zero-inventory and long-term unsold goods, and to delete the goods that can be deleted from the system in time, which is more conducive to doing. Good inventory management work.

The above is the supermarket HIPS storage shelving units  supplier - Quzhou Kingsoon to introduce you to the five points of supermarket inventory management, I hope to help you better manage your supermarket. If you still want to appreciate the layout design of the supermarket HIPS storage shelving units , or have the needs of custom-made and wholesale supermarket HIPS storage shelving units , please visit the official website of Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

How to manage supermarket inventory? It can be solved perfectly from these 5 aspects.

The above content is How to manage supermarket inventory? It can be solved perfectly from these 5 aspects. I hope it will help you!

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