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Plastic shelf considerations
Release date:2018/12/20 14:22:08

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Plastic shelf considerations

To make full use of the functions of the supermarket shelves, not only to bring benefits to the supermarket, but also to make the space more rational. The details determine success or failure. When using and caring for supermarket shelves, the following three points are mainly used:

1. Cleaning is essential in the use of supermarket plastic shelves. Only supermarket shelves with neat and clean appearance can attract consumers. While ensuring clean and tidy, supermarket shelf users should also regularly check the supermarket shelves to ensure that the supermarket shelves are used normally.

2. Under normal circumstances, the average human vision is from 110 degrees to 120 degrees, the visible width range is 1.5m to 2m, the viewing angle when walking in the store is 60 degrees, and the visible range is 1m. Therefore, the merchant should combine the visual habits of the consumers, and when using the supermarket shelves, it is necessary to ensure the product display surface and increase the purchasing probability.

3. The general supermarket shelves have a total of 5 floors. From the top to the bottom, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th are the shelves with the largest sales volume. In particular, the third layer and the consumer's line of sight are basically parallel, and they are easy to reach. Also the largest sales.

Reasonable use and care of supermarket shelves will not only extend the life of supermarket shelves, but also bring more benefits and make the space more reasonable.

Plastic shelf considerations

The above content is Plastic shelf considerations. I hope it will help you!

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