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Usage of pop display shelves-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd
Release date:2018/12/21 13:22:53

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Usage of pop display shelves-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd

When we use the  pop display shelf, we always pay attention to the quality and attention to the beauty. Few people will mention how to put it on. How to arrange the shelf is beautiful, it is good. And below, on the shelf, we have to consider the factors we have to consider when looking at the shelf:

The first thing to do is to determine the style of the  pop display shelf itself, especially the height and width. The height of the shelf should be specifically designed according to the specific circumstances and based on the needs of people's activities. The height of the shelf should be adapted to the height of the human body to facilitate customers' shopping. After the height of the shelf is determined, the length of the shelf can be determined according to the specific conditions of the space and the selected mode of transportation. It is also possible to use the law of golden section, that is, the ratio of length to width is 1:0.618, resulting in a rational beauty. The horizontal discharge of the shelves is also crucial, and there are many options available, including queue, island and radiant.

It is very important to determine how the  pop display shelves are placed by different heights and different layouts. And we can also determine according to our preferences.


Usage of pop display shelves-Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd

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