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This shows the convenience store products, customers are more willing to buy!
Release date:2018/12/21 13:37:46

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This shows the convenience store products, customers are more willing to buy!

The correct merchandise display in the convenience store not only can beautify the shopping environment, but also stimulate consumers' shopping desires, prompting them to generate purchase behavior and create more benefits for convenience stores.

When it comes to the convenience store shelf display, it seems to be simple, but in fact it is a mystery. If it is not good, it will only play a counter-productive effect. But everyone does not have to worry, today's convenience store shelf company [Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.] has brought you the basic principles of convenience store display, don't miss it.

1. The purpose of the exhibition is clear

The purpose of the exhibition is not only to enhance the image of the store, but also to increase the sales of the products. Therefore, when designing the shelf display of the convenience store, we must consider the absolute profitability of the display itself to ensure that your display is effective and can help the goods better. Sales.

2, the position is placed correctly

If you want to do a convenient store display, you should not only place the goods on the shelves of the convenience store, but also pay attention to the location of the display. For traditional convenience stores, the ideal display location is in the middle of the convenience store near the checkout counter, near the entrance and exit, and in the middle of the convenience store shelves.

3, convenient for customers to take

Good display is not only for the goods, but also for the customers, so do not neglect the convenience of the products when displaying. If there are some high-packaged goods, don't stuff them into the shorter layer boards. Otherwise, it is very inconvenient for customers to take them, which greatly affects the shopping experience.

4, have a certain attraction

When conducting convenience store shelf display design, it is necessary to have the attraction that can attract consumers' attention, in order to convey more effective information of the product to the customer, thereby increasing the possibility of product sales.

5, the product mix should be reasonable

If you want to promote sales through display, it is inevitable to use related displays. However, it should be noted that the associated display requires reasonable matching of products, such as shoe brush and shoe polish, shampoo and shower gel. If you don't take it at all, it will make customers feel that your convenience store is not professional enough to lose the trust of customers.

6, to ensure the stability of the goods

Some operators put the item code high in order to display as many items as possible. In fact, this is not right. When the products are stacked together, although the display space is saved, the stability of the display is neglected, and it is easy to tip over if the product is shaken. If the customer is picked up, it will bring unnecessary losses and bury the safety hazard.

Want to operate a convenience store, in addition to learning related business skills, but also to grasp the convenience store shelf display knowledge. The above is the six basic principles of the convenience store display organized by the shelf manufacturer [Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.], hoping to help you better manage the convenience store.

Quzhou Kingsoon Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. focuses on the convenience store shelf production for 15 years. It has a professional shelf production base in Quzhou. The shelf products are sold at home and abroad. I believe it will be the best choice for you to purchase convenience store shelves. If you want to know more about convenience store business knowledge, or have shelf wholesale requirements, please visit

This shows the convenience store products, customers are more willing to buy!

The above content is This shows the convenience store products, customers are more willing to buy!. I hope it will help you!

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