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"Invisible cost" in injection molding
Release date:2018/12/21 13:51:17

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"Invisible cost" in injection molding

As a relatively concentrated area of the injection molding industry, the Yangtze River Delta has attracted a large number of injection molding talents with high-precision injection molding technology, and also provided a huge market demand for a large number of newcomers interested in entering the injection molding field, whether you are a mature veteran or just entering the industry. Novices can have a foot in the room.

      However, this mixed situation has brought trouble to the injection molding factory! There are often some small masters who have been working in small factories for a year or two. They have changed their attitudes to a larger factory with a learning attitude. They have taken the advantage of low wages as an entry advantage and pushed the "hands" with normal treatment requirements out of the competition.

      Although from the perspective of cost control of enterprises, the use of low-paying personnel will have obvious cost advantages, and also in line with the business owner's philosophy of enterprise management. However, in addition to the dominant costof raw materials, rented water and electricity, logistics and warehousing, and salary expenses, the management of hidden costsoften causes huge losses to the enterprise, and even leads to the unexplainedfailure of the enterprise. It is all possible.

      Although many "newbies" have one or two years of work experience, but in small factories, they often get the corresponding experience from the one-sided and single production mode of the leadership, the lack of technology and the lack of professional knowledge, resulting in In the higher-end production process, it is impossible to adjust the production requirements by itself, or the adjustment effect is low, so there will be many hidden costssuch as low production efficiency, machine utilization rate reduction, time waste and equipment damage. The cost is not only difficult to find, but also difficult to control, the ultimate loss is only the company to pay for it!

      I once saw a technical question in a so-called "injection elite group" that the injection molding machine does not eat nylon material, the other materials are normal, and then the injection molding of a barrel is set to: one section 185, two sections 190, three sections 190 Then there was a god-level reply: "The temperature is high", and suddenly I have a hundred kinds of impulses to withdraw from the group, but there are still many masters in the follow-up, and the folks still have masters!

      However, the information revealed from it is worth pondering. For those who don't understand the material properties, there is no comprehensive injection molding awareness. Using the injection parameters of ordinary ABS materials to drive the production of nylon material is a joke in itself, and behind the joke. It has triggered some more ridiculous responsive responses from the current situation of the uneven level of injection molding practitioners and the lack of various aspects of personnel training in enterprises. The losses caused by these situations are often unquantifiable, like above. When the nylon is melted at 190 degrees, screw breakage is inevitable, and the cost of the screw plus the cost of shutting down the machine and the like is not reflected in the normal "dominant cost".

      Therefore, Kingsoon recommends that injection molding processing plants should be based on specific needs, recruiting qualified personnel, rather than controlling costs and controlling personnel costs, so that many hiddencan be avoided in the production process. Sexual cost", thus reducing operating costs to a lower level!


"Invisible cost" in injection molding

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