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Pharmacy plastic display shelf management
Release date:2018/12/24 13:12:10

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Pharmacy plastic display shelf management

Pharmacies are widely distributed around the community and business circles, and are closely related to the lives of each of us. Usually, everyone is a little uncomfortable and will not go to the hospital. They usually choose a pharmacy to buy some medicine.

Although for some customers who visit the pharmacy, they do not understand the principles of pharmacy shelf display, and do not know the secrets hidden in them. However, the management of the products during the display can directly affect the customers first impression of the pharmacy. If the display is not done well, it will make customers feel that your pharmacy is messy and lose trust and not want to stay too much. The following pharmacy shelf manufacturer [Zhangzhou Jinshuo Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.] will tell you about the management of the product layout in the pharmacy shelf display.

1. What is the management of the goods?

The management of merchandise display layout, that is, planning the effective shelf space of merchandise display, has a great effect on improving the efficiency of the pharmacy.

Second, what should pay attention to the management of commodity layout?

The amount of merchandise sold usually directly determines the number of rows of merchandise, that is, the number of rows to be sold to the best-selling merchandise, that is, the display space is large; the less-selling merchandise or the slow-moving merchandise is given less The number of rows is not given, or even eliminated out of the store.

Third, how do best-selling products do well management?

1. Timely protection and management of the best-selling products.

2. The sales of best-selling products are very fast, so pay attention to timely replenishment.

3. Prevent unsalable products from occupying the top of the bestsellers.

4. How to control the profit of commodities when conducting face management?

1. For high-margin goods, it is naturally placed in the gold position on the pharmacy shelf, and the overall profit level of the pharmacy will increase.

2. For low-margin goods, they can be arranged in a position to sell, thus controlling the sales variety structure of the goods to ensure the completeness of the supply of goods.

3. Statistical analysis is carried out every month. The reasons for the slow sales of goods include quality problems, the impact of low sales season, improper product prices, poor product display, or poor supplier coordination. If it cannot be improved, it will be resolutely eliminated.

4. For the shelves of pharmacies that are vacated due to the elimination of unsalable goods, new products should be introduced to ensure the volume of pharmacy shelves.

The display design of the pharmacy shelf is the most intuitive feeling after the customer enters the store. It is also an important factor in determining whether the customer can have a trust in the pharmacy. A good display design should be clean, tidy and intelligent, and can give the user a visual enjoyment. It allows customers to pay for their bills with willingness. Every pharmacy operator needs to study hard, otherwise don't expect to stand out among the many competitors around.

Pharmacy plastic display shelf management

The above content is Pharmacy plastic display shelf management. I hope it will help you!

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